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Digital Transformation, powered by AI
Digital Transformation, powered by AI

Digital transformation is one of the most important and critical concerns in today's society, affecting practically every industry and organization. Generally, all the uses of technology by a business are somehow under the title of this digital transformation. Due to the ever-increasing advances in technology and the need to increase efficiency and productivity, many companies have increasingly moved towards digitalization. In this article, we will examine the concept of digital transformation, its challenges and solutions, and the experiences of the TatbiqIT company in this field.

What is Digital Transformation?

Digital transformation refers to the process of using digital technologies to change and improve business performance, increase efficiency and create new values. For example, accounting software, CRM software, online payments, etc. that you may have used are all part of this digital transformation.

Digital transformation not only involves updating infrastructure and IT systems, but also cultural and organizational changes. Consider the first day you used accounting software or internet banking and compare it with today. The differences that you get in this comparison are the same cultural change that we mean. The importance of digital transformation in today's world is undeniable, as it helps businesses respond more quickly to market needs and be more competitive.

Stages of digital transformation

Evaluation and planning

The first step in digital transformation is to assess the current state of the business and identify its strengths and weaknesses. This makes every business draw a clearer goal of digital transformation.

Generally, the digital transformation of a specific company is such that it is not possible to implement or fully exploit it for another company. In order that the digital transformation of each company is specific to that company and if it is implemented in the same way in another company, it will not have the same result. That’s why the evaluation and planning stage makes you fully dedicate this development to your company or factory.

Implementation of Infrastructure and Transformation

At this stage, the developed programs are implemented. But the implementation of any program is required to provide infrastructure and prerequisites. This phase is all about putting everything into action, which involves making organizational changes, training staff, and updating the technical infrastructure.

Continuous Monitoring and Improvement

Digital transformation is a continuous process and requires continuous monitoring and improvement. But it should be kept in mind that these supervisions are done for two purposes. The first type of monitoring that is done to fix system deficiencies and failures. The second type of monitoring is to improve and upgrade the implemented systems.

Challenges of Digital Transformation

Resistance to Change

Most of us find it difficult to change a process at first when we are used to it. This difficulty was related to the personal dimension. But when we look at this issue from the organizational perspective and from the manager's point of view, it becomes even more difficult. This resistance can be caused by fear of the unknown, lack of awareness or habituation to old ways.

But first, the only thing you need to do, which costs nothing, is to have a 30-minute meeting with our experts. They will inform you of the conditions, costs and benefits of this development:

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Technological Limitations

Some companies face technology limitations that can make it difficult to implement digital transformation. These limitations may include lack of proper infrastructure, outdated software, or security issues. Abandoning this challenge requires checking the needs and infrastructure of your factory or company by our experts.

Lack of Digital Skills

Another important challenge is the lack of skills needed to implement digital transformation. Many employees may not be familiar with new technologies and need specialized training. This challenge will also be easily overcome with short training courses during the digital transformation.

The Role of Leadership in Digital Transformation

The importance of effective leadership

Effective leadership plays a critical role in the success of digital transformation. In short, leaders who have a good strategic point of view and have high communication skills and adaptability can advance the transformation process well and at the lowest cost by motivating, supporting and guiding employees.

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Digital Transformation in Different Industries

Financial Industry

Digital transformation in the financial industry has increased efficiency, improved security and provided better services to customers. Banks and financial institutions are using new technologies such as blockchain, artificial intelligence (AI) and FinTech to improve their processes.

Healthcare Industry

As a result of digital transformation, healthcare services have improved, diagnostic accuracy has increased, and prices have decreased. Electronic health records, telemedicine, and artificial intelligence are already standard tools in this field.

Manufacturing Industry

In the manufacturing field, the digital transformation has increased efficiency, reduced waste and improved product quality. Technologies such as the Internet of Things, robotics, and data analytics help companies improve manufacturing processes.

Smart Production Line, Powered by AI
Smart Production Line, Powered by AI

Retail Industry

Digital transformation in the retail industry has improved customer experience, increased sales and reduced costs. The use of technologies such as e-commerce, data analysis and artificial intelligence help retail companies to communicate better with their customers and provide better services.

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