The "I Love Food" (ILF) app is an excellent choice for anyone looking to maintain a healthy and balanced diet, as it provides a comprehensive meal planning and delivery solution. Operating in the food industry, ILF is more than just a meal delivery service; it combines the convenience of daily meal deliveries with expert nutritional guidance to assist clients in meeting their weight and health goals.
In this short blog we want to introduce you to some parts of this application designed and developed by TatbiqIT company. TatbiqIT is a software company and design agency helping businesses and companies to highlight their potential in the world of ecommerce.

Key Features of the I Love Food App
When you open up the ILF application, the first page you see is the Dashboard. The ILF dashboard provides an easy-to-access summary of all the essential information you need for your day.

The displayed sections include:
- BMI Tracking: Monitor and recalculate your Body Mass Index.
- Today's Meals: View the meals that will be delivered to your doorstep today.
- Delivery Details: Check the delivery time and address for your meals.
- Active Package Details: See an overview of your current meal package.
- Diet Goal: Keep track of your dietary goals and progress.
- Today’s Appointments: Stay updated on any scheduled consultations or appointments with nutritionists. (in the new version of this application this section would be removed)
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ILF Packages:
To use the application, first you need to buy a package. The ILF process of delivering food is through some packages that the ILF provided for the users. So let’s examine the components of the packages:

Standard Packages: ILF offers a variety of standard packages, each designed to meet different dietary needs. Each package includes:
- Duration: The period of time covered by the package.
- Package Name: The specific name of the chosen package. (e.g. lose weight, gain weight,...)
- Meals Included: A detailed list of meals provided within the package.
- Free Tickets: Any available free tickets included as part of the package.
- Description: An overview of what the package offers.
- Price: The cost of the package.
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Custom Packages: For those who require more flexibility, ILF provides custom packages that allow customers to tailor their plan according to their specific needs. Customization options include:
- Duration: Choose the length of time for your package.
- Number of Meals: Select the number of meals you want.
- Free Tickets: If applicable, free tickets are included.
- Extra Nutritional Options: Add extra calories, protein, or carbohydrates based on your dietary preferences.
ILF Menu:

After you've purchased the package, you can make daily meal selections according to your diet using the ILF menu feature, which is led by nutritionist recommendations. Each meal detail page includes detailed information on ingredients, calories, protein content, and other nutritional values. Users can also set multiple delivery destinations and times for each day of the week.
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Calendar Feature:
This section allows users to have a clear overview of their entire dietary plan at a glance. The calendar is a useful tool that shows the days included in your package, upcoming appointments, paused packages, and daily menu selections.

Meal Selection and Meal Notes:
ILF simplifies the meal selection and delivery process to provide an enjoyable experience. One or two days before your meals are due for delivery, you will receive a notification urging you to select your meals for the following day. If you don't make a choice, the app will select meals for you. These selected meals will be sent to the admin panel (kitchen section), where preparations begin for timely delivery.
Additionally, consumers can write notes for their entire package or for specific meals. For example, if a user has a food allergy or wishes to change an ingredient in a certain meal, they can offer detailed instructions.
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Special Ramadan Packages:
In order to accommodate Muslims' fasting requirements throughout Ramadan, ILF has created unique Ramadan packages. Iftar and Suhoor are specially prepared meals that offer a balanced diet while fasting.
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