Do you need to check today's gold price rate in Kuwait? Metal price? The idea came from a business called Smiths, who collaborated with TatbiqIT to develop an application that would serve as a personal and digital vault. But this vault differs significantly from other vaults in several ways. TatbiqIT, therefore, incorporated these differences into the Smiths Application.

Gold Price Calculator
The customer needed a calculator on this page, but not just any calculator. This calculator determines Kuwait today's gold price and the production charge both in KD and USD by entering the quantity of gold and the carat. The users can additionally provide the gold's retail price to improve the calculation's accuracy.

Metal Price
This page displays today's price of several metals that are represented by charts, thanks to the efforts of TatbiqIT's back-end team in using data from the pricing websites being refreshed every 20 minutes. The data in line charts are updated when the metals' units are changed, demonstrating that the application is fully functional.

Ring Sizer
The challenging aspect of manufacturing a ring or bracelet remotely is “sizing”. This sizer is computerized and displays the jewelry's size in several sizing units. This tool simplifies the sizing process, especially for special occasion gifts. Additionally, users can name and save all jewelry sizes to store them in their digital vault.

When the application is first opened, the user sees this page. One of the components of this page is jewelry store banners. The 360-degree photographs are one of this banner's fascinating features. Our customer actually required a promotional page for the other guildmates or affiliate stores in Kuwait.

Last but not least, the main function of this program is to provide a virtual and fully-featured vault.
You may keep track of your valuables and have them evaluated on a regular basis with the help of this online vault. If the user ever decides to sell their valuables, he or she need only click the Whatsapp icon to contact the experts.

Thanks to the Flutter framework this application works on both iOS and Android. You can download the Smiths Vault application from:

If you are interested in these types of applications just feel free to click Here to have a conversation with TatbiqIT. Our colleagues will contact you in 24 hours.